How To Save Money on Formula and Bottle Feeding
When it comes to bottle-feeding your baby, parents have many questions. Perhaps the most pressing one is, “How can I save money on formula and bottles?”
To be sure, bottle and formula feeding can be an expensive endeavor. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks to help cut down costs. With countless brands of bottles, formula, and feeding accessories available today, manufacturers are working hard to entice parents to sample their products in order to win repeat customers. This can be a huge help to parents who bottle-feed their children formula but who don’t want to shell out hundreds of dollars to find that perfect combination.
While saving money on baby formula usually has to do with the food itself, it is important to make sure that your bottle is just right. There are many bottles that include multiple types of nipples, each with their own claim to fame. Some are anti-gas, while others mimic the human breast. While it may be tempting to buy one bottle and wait for your child to learn how to use it, this can lead to a large amount of family stress and frustration.
One approach to finding the perfect bottle for your baby is to buy multiple brands at the start. This may mean going to your local pharmacy and buying three or ordering some online.
Open one at a time and see how your baby reacts. If they reject a bottle outright, move on to the next. If they enjoy a bottle and eat nicely, check to make sure that they are drinking easily and not swallowing air.
Ultimately, your little one is going to tell you which bottle they like. If you can find one that is also sold in drugstores around the country, that can be a big win if you are on vacation or a babysitting grandparent is in a pinch.
Now that you have selected a bottle, it’s time to feed. Choosing a new formula can be overwhelming, and as competition heats up between major brands, it can be hard to determine which one is “better.”
The best place to start is with your pediatrician. They usually have samples to give you and can help answer health-related questions.
Once you find a formula you like:
- Contact that company for samples. They will probably send a full canister at no expense, just for asking.
- Search for coupons in your local circulars or online. Pharmacies, supermarkets, and even toy stores may sell formula, knowing it is an enticing way to get you in the door.
Tip: Signing up for marketing emails will alert you to a sale! - Buy in bulk. Compare prices based on how much is in the canister, not by the size of the canister itself. Once you find a good deal, purchase as much as you feel comfortable buying so you don’t have to begin the search again a week later.
The first thing to remember is that baby formula is heavily regulated. Any baby formula on store shelves must meet government standards for safety and nutrition, including store brands. This means that if you are considering buying Target or Walmart brand baby formula, you can do so with peace of mind. As with any change in diet, monitor your child for any allergic reactions or an overly upset tummy.
Next, if your baby has allergies or sensitivities, you may be eligible for cost reimbursement from your insurance company. Speak with your provider as well as your pediatrician to learn more about your policy and the submission process.
Finally, whether you are bottle/formula feeding out of necessity or convenience, it is a family decision. We applaud all parents who choose to do what is best for their baby and family.